Friday, July 9, 2010

Pocket Monsters Special- the next Gen. only @ Poeplushies

Hey! Wanna find out what's happened so far on the Pokeplusie Forum RP; Pokemon Adventures- the next Gen.?? Well click this link to find out! file://C:\Users\Checkers-kun\Documents
It has the forum's cover page info and my posts (containg to the story at least) thus far. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

*Good News!*

Hey! I'm sooooooooooo happy right now. My friend has an account on Pokeplushies so I decided to also join. I started the account in March of 2010 but haven't really gone on it. Well, the other day I decided upon spruceing up my account (avitar, signatue, and what not) After that I looked for somewhere of intersst I could post. I found one!! I joined an RP on Pokeplushies based on Pokemon Special(adventure,manga) Yupers, I finnaly found an RP to belong to. If you ever wanna check it out, here's the url- {}

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Yeah, so this is what I decided to call my Pocket Pikachu updates. ^^ (just wanted to say)

This is the back of the japanese Pocket Pikachu packageing. Sooooo kyaaaaaaaa!!>< (homework: if you don't already know then look up 'kyaa')

Guess What I Found!!

Hey, remember these?!?! Yup it's a Pocket Pikachu! Well this past weekend I was visiting the family and while rumageing through some old toys and "junk" I stumbled across one of these! I was soooooo excited! Mostly because I never had one before, but I do now. ..hahaha^^ Of cource I have to change the batteries and such but once I do I'm planning on keeping a log for my pet Pikachu. Check back soon for more info!! ^^
*(mine isn't japanese, just using this image!!)